14 พฤษภาคม 2551

Appointing Audit-Committee and Company's Secretary

May 14, 2008 Subject: Resolution of Appointing Audit-Committee Attention : Director and Manager of Stock Exchange of Thailand According to Board of Directors Meeting No. 2/2551 held on 13 May 2551, the Board has pass the relevant resolutions as follows: 1. Approved the appointment of Audit Committee, who retried from the office, for another 3-year term with effective from 14 May 2008 onward. Their names are as follows: Mr. Pisit Leeahtam Chairman of Audit Committee Mr. Teeravut Supaviriyakul Audit Committee Mr. Rein Boondiskulchok Audit Committee 2. Approved the appointment of Mr. Upakrom Thaweephoke, as the Company's Secretary. Please be informed according. The Company also attach Form F24-3 for further information. Yours Faithfully, Mr.Upakrom Thaweephoke Deputy Managing Director(Finance and Marketing) F 24-3 Name and Scope of work of Audit Committee According the Board of Directors' Meeting No.2/2008 on 13 May 2008, the Board has pass the resolution to appoint the Audit Committee as follows: 1. The Audit Committee consists of: Chairman of Audit Committee Mr. Pisit Leeahtam Audit Committee Mr. Teeravut Supaviriyakul Audit Committee Mr. Rein Boondiskulchok Mr Amornphong Nuanvivat is the Secretary to Audit Committee with 3- year term, with effective from 14 May 2008 to 14 May 2011. 2. Audit Committee's scope of duties and responsibilities to Board of Directors are as follows: 1. Review the financial report of the company for accuracy and adequate disclosure by coordinating with the external auditor and the responsible management in preparing the quarterly and annual financial reports. The Audit Committee may recommend the auditor to review or audit any transactions which it may deem necessary and important during the audit of the Company's accounts; 2. Review the internal control system and the internal audit of the Company for suitability and effectiveness, in cooperation with the external auditor and the internal auditor; 3. Select and nominate the auditor of the Company; proposed the remuneration of the auditor in consideration of reliability, sufficiency of resources, and the quantity of audit work of the audit office, including experiences of the personnel commissioned to audit the Company's accounts; 4. Disclose the information of the company, in case of occurrences of related transactions or transactions which may have conflict or interests, for accuracy and completeness; 5. Take any other actins as assigned by the Board of Directors and approved by the Audit Committee such as review of policies on financial management and risk management; review of compliance with the business ethics of the Company; review, in cooperation with the Company's management, of significant reports which must be disclosed to the general public as prescribed by law such as the Executive Summary and Analysis, etc; 6. Prepare reports on activities of the Audit Committee and disclose them in the annual report of the Company; the said reports shall be signed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee; and such transactions should consist of the following information: - Comments on the process of report preparation and the disclosure of information in the financial reports of the Company, with an emphasis on the accuracy, completeness, and reliability. - Comments on the adequacy of the internal control system of the Company; - Reason which can be believed that the auditor of the Company deserves to be reappointed; - Comments on compliance with the law governing securities and stock market, regulation of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), or the law concerning the business operations of the Company; - Any other report which shareholders and general investors should be acknowledged under the scope of duties and responsibilities commissioned by the Board of Directors. The Company would like to confirm that the appointed Audit Committee has qualified as per the requirement of SET. Yours Faithfully, (Mr.Sumpan Vongphan, Mr.Upakrom Thaweephoke) Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director(Finance and Marketing)