EGAT promotes Thai industry
Another success of the Thai transformer industry, Tirathai produced a 333.33MVA transformer with a voltage level of 525 kV.
March 4, 2019 is one of an important day of the Thai transformer industry. The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand by Mr. Viboon Rerksirathai, the Governor, and Tirathai Public Company Limited by Mr. Sumpan Vongphan, Managing Director signed contract number S100664-3161-TIEC-TX-04 to purchase a 333.33 MVA 500 kV power transformer with a total value of approximately 270 million baht for the Power Transmission System Improvement project. The project covers the Northeast region, Lower Northern, Central region, and Bangkok area to strengthen the electrical system at the headquarters of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
Transformer industry in Thailand is considering as the most prominent industry in Southeast Asia that capable of producing as replacement, having to rely on importing transformers from other countries and still producing and exporting to sell abroad.
Tirathai - The Thai transformer manufacturers are well aware that Thai people and Thai engineers have ample potential to produce large transformers with a voltage level of up to 525 kV. Therefore, the company’s goal is to become a transformer manufacturer that covering the entire electrical system of the country and the Asian Power Grid.
Tirathai takes 32 years since its founding in the transformer business has set goals of increasing capacity in each decade from transformers for distribution systems of the voltage of 33 kV, 132 kV, 230 kV and 525 kV.
On the path to business, must encounter many obstacles but we were able to pass through. With the determination of the Tirathai team that intends to create transformers under the "Thai brand" with courtesy and support from everyone who agree that our country must have high voltage technology to support national development with the brains and the capabilities of Thai people to have sustainable stability.
This success is a success of Thai electrical engineers that if there is no senior person in the electrical industry, the Electric governor as well as the officials of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, the Metropolitan Electricity Authority and Provincial Electricity Authority including all the benefactors’ support, Tirathai would be hard to succeed as of today.
Tirathai would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much here.